We are looking for trainees with the potential to become a great teacher, who can demonstrate an enthusiasm for working with children and young people.
If you haven’t achieved the required GCSEs, there are options to study the qualifications through local colleges or at home, such as with NEC (National Extension College).
We also consider candidates who need to take a GCSE equivalency test in English, maths or science. Equivalency Testing | Home | GCSE equivalency testing
If you studied outside the UK, check the UK ENIC, operated and managed by Ecctis Limited website to find out whether your qualifications are of an equivalent level to UK GCSEs, A-levels, and an undergraduate degree. If you have non-UK qualifications, you will need a Statement of Comparability. This can take some time, so we would advise you to start the process before you submit your application for initial teacher training.
If your degree subject doesn't link closely to your chosen teaching subject, you may still be able to apply for a postgraduate teacher training programme by undertaking a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course. We offer SKE courses in English, Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry across 8-28 weeks, find out more. We may ask you to take an SKE course as a condition of your offer if we feel you have the right qualities to become a teacher, but need more subject knowledge first. To find out more about SKE courses, visit Get Into Teaching.
The skills test is no longer part of the entry requirements for initial teacher training in England. Instead, the DfE are replacing the national skills test with a new approach which allows us to offer your tests locally and if needed, work with you to develop literacy and numeracy skills throughout their course. However, trainees who remain unable to meet the required level of literacy and numeracy skills will not be awarded Qualified Teacher Status.
For more information about the entry requirements for your chosen training programme, please contact: